This is a Truly progressive revelation of the Divine Process of Salvation and Resurrection, and with a steady growth of Faith in God’s ability to Live you, and steady growth in Devotion to being open and ready (wholly and completely) to fulfill God's Will in Every moment, the True Eternal Life of Christ Transfigures (changes), over-time, Every form of consciousness (of the body and mind) to Shine Directly from the True Light of Reality. In the beginning sin gives the most resistance; Turning Fully to Christ for the beginner is like running into a brick wall. There is no Way to progress; there is no Way to Receive the Holy Spirit while the ego maintains control of the conscious life of the individual. The desires of the sinner (conscious dynamic/contraction into ‘me’) are in Direct Confrontation with the Newly Realized Will of God.
Sin is a self created Wall to deny God the Liberty to Live As you. The sinner’s life is completely dependent upon an actual conscious contraction of ‘me’, and this conscious dynamic (of ‘me’) IS the root, core, or nucleus of the conscious feeling of ‘me’ (of individual self – of the source of sin). During the Divine Process of Salvation the body/mind Must give up the 'nucleus/center' of the conscious contraction of 'me' (which is the source of the sinner and sin) and make Way for the Divine Spirit of God in Every possible moment. As a person matures in Spirit, and as a person learns to surrender the idea of ‘my will’ the Holy Spirit gains more and more control over the body, and this progressive Realization of the Holy Spirit is marked by Heart~Fire, which is Ultimately Awakened to Never fade or go away. Sin is the rejection of God’s (which is the Only) Holy Spirit Presence (of existence and God) for the (fear based) egoic conscious coil of inwardness that seems to feel like the source of a bodily conscious self.
The conscious dynamic of sin (moment to moment) is the moment to moment conscious identification of the body/mind As the coil of conscious ‘me’. But, the Truth of this ‘me’, this conscious coil of inwardness, this conscious dynamic of a self will, is that it (the ROOT of sin) is empty (filled with darkness) of a personal self like a ball of rubber bands is empty at its center; including the first rubber band that all the other rubber bands were contracting inward upon. Sin is the living state of relating to All of life through that (false - empty) ‘me’. Sin, whether a person claims to be Christian or not, remains even though the individual has now acquired or has become set in the belief that they are saved. The Great delusion (of Truth) manifests in their life because they are actually trying to Save their (sinner/ego) self, instead of surrendering the sinner self for their Eternal Everlasting Self found in God Only.
The Great mistake of all New Christians is continuing to relate to Christ and God through that same old state of a conscious ‘me’. Nothing fundamental has changed for the individual that remains attached to their sinner’s state of mind; the sinner’s state of self. The real self illusion appears when that (pseudo – false) ‘me’ continues the conscious practice of attaching to the coil of consciousness and then turning, through that Very Same conscious dynamic of the false/sinner’s conscious relationship with life, to the True Divine Process of Salvation and Resurrection. The absence of sin manifests Only in the Free Presence of God (which Is the Very Same Source of your Eternal Me), and as long as the body/mind attempts to consciously relate to Christ and God through the sinner’s conscious nucleus (sin’s core/root/source) sin will remain in a person’s life, yet it is worse now because they claim to be a part of the Body of Christ – their Lie has grown, the self deception has reached all new heights of illusion.
For the beginner the confrontation of this old habit of relating to life through the conscious dynamic of sin (self possession) with the Transcendent Free Divine Presence of Christ is meet with (a flailing and shaking, and a kind of paradoxical play between the resistance of this old conscious habit of sin seeking to over whelm the body/mind with its [egoic] conscious force verses the Everlasting Presence of Christ’s Consciousness) Holy Fire. The Perpetual (Eternal) Holiness of God (ItSelf) begins to Shine in the newly forming pockets of selflessness and self emptiness, like fog breaks up when the sun Light gets to Shining above it (fog). This is the Clear Understanding of Truly being selfless in Christ, and this Reveals the secretive process of the Fulfilling of the whole process of death, and Resurrection through Christ.
No Real Spiritual progress manifests in a person life until the root of sin is exposed and surrendered and given up for the Eternal Self of Christ’s Light and Joy-filled Presence. There are many ‘Christians’ getting saved time and again, falling and then returning to some kind of Faith, and repeating this being saved process. However, nothing is going to change for this person until the sinner is Perfectly annihilated and purged from the individual, until that person hands over the dark pearl of self obsession and self will for (Truth) God’s Everlasting (Always right Now) Divinely Expressed Image of ItSelf (how God Appears to God).
There are Real Signs (bodily tangible Signs) that begin to Awaken as the Process of Resurrection accelerates. The Spiritual Cross is the Source of All of those Signs, and the Spiritual Cross (spiritual body) progressively Awakens, simultaneously, as the ‘center/nucleus’ of the sinner’s self is Purged Perfectly. Do not become empty of self and full of someone else. The True understanding of emptiness here means that one has Already Realized Faith (in True Self), thus, the body/mind is not actually empty of self, but instead, the body/mind becomes Filled by its Eternal True Self.
The Awakening of our True Christ Self will inherently demonstrate (eventually, as long as one maintains their Spiritual practice) the Fullness of the Spiritual Cross. As long as a person feeds their old sinner’s life, even if to barely keep it alive, that one is not Giving God All. Sin is something of such a conscious nature that it must be starved of its source of life, or it (sin) remains like a shadow once the light is turned on. However, In the Fullness of Christ there Is Only Light, and It (the Light) does not Shine in or from any direction; instead, there Is Only Light, and even though darkness seems to appear within time and space, God’s Light Is Ever Shining in the Transcendent Sky of our Eternal Self.
Sin relies on darkness for life, and through the conscious turning of the whole body/mind to Live and Identify As our True Self (which Is Perfect Light) the darkness of sin is (eventually) Over-Whelmed by Light and destroyed forever. Understand the ROOT of sin, focus your attention on Giving All of your (sinner’s) self into the Divine Light of God, STOP Identifying As the (false) self of sin, and Surrender the Living Temple of God (your body/mind) unto God’s True Light and Presence; in Jesus Christ name, Amen.