Love. Christ said love All. However, some want to curse and condemn others for not being of the same (even Christian) religion. This is a perfect example of the ego mind playing God through some fanatical ideology of a religion that claims to have a monopoly on God's Revelation, on God's Truth of Eternal Being.
Any religion (even so called non-denominational) that tells you (or proceeds to do it their self) to condemn others, curse others, and judge others others is a lie. I don't care how many quotes the person uses to try and justify this kind of practice, it is simply an ego trying to be/play God with others. No book, None, is Truth. This kind of mentality starts with the preacher, and before you know it, people are raising their arms and praising God while condemning others for not being exactly like them.
These kinds of people mimic the preacher's hate speech in all their relationships, these kind of people feel empowered by this hate speech, and the speech of condemnation to eternal hell. They get a rush out of it, and continue to repeat this new thrill/rush of power when possible, and they especially use this hate ministry as a trump card. It gives that kind of mentality a green light to not practice love, compassion and kindness.
The Real truth is that God is not religious, and no amount of dogma and belief can Satisfy the True Heart Calling of All; Only Total self Surrender and Total self Sacrifice into God's Holy Presence. All the time you condemn and judge others, accurse them to hell, you are NOT Loving them, you are Not being compassionate, you are NOT treating that person as if Christ is in them, you are NOT Living Truth, and you are bound and darkened by a level of self obsession that is only rivaled by the most insane.
Ego religion wants to condemn others for not joining and worshiping as they do. You can always spot an egoic, save one self, religion because at some point the hate speech comes out and cuts people off from God's Grace. Ego religion uses threats, and pure in your face fear to convert, convince and scare people into believing. The ego religions look to world events and interpret and (over many centuries) reinterpret prophecy to match current events; thus, giving them more of a persuasion to convince people they have the one and only Way. As time moves on, these prophecies fail to come true, then they seek to reinterpret prophecy and return to the same old cycle of threats, fear and suffering.
The truth is that for those Actually living in and through God's Grace there is Easy Faith, Trusting Faith, and Perfect Faith that God is more than capable of making the right changes, transformations and transfigurations in each individual, and they Always understand Truth cannot be forced. The Real Devotees of God have Faith in God's Free flowing Grace, and they do not put the Revelation of God in flimsy dogma and feeble belief.
The Devotees of God are Perfectly confident in God not man (not their ability to convince others or convert others), and this confidence (Divine Faith) leads the Real Devotee of God to relate to All through Love, Compassion and easy Faith. These kinds of people do not put faith in their ability to scare, convert and convince people of their way; instead, they know God has a Way for All. They practice the True Tenets of God Realization such as Love, Compassion, Patience, and a free offering of unending kindness (which is Sourced in God's Light) that does not become tied up with hate, suffering, curses, and eternal hell.
Wake up and clearly See the darkness for what it is. Cursing and condemning are not the Way of God, that is the way of ego and sin.