This is really a teaching of 3rd stage (Resurrection stage) Heart Seeing, and the following commentary will work to explore what that means, what the ‘darkness’ really is, and the process by which the Light of Christ (Light of the body) is Awakened individually. In other words, what it Really means to have a ‘single’ eye and how the Light of the Eye is the Place of Eternal Life, and how the darkness of personal self (ego/sinner self) apparently ‘eclipses’ the Light of the body. Finally, we will explore major Signs of the process of Realizing the Light of the body, and practices and meditations that support the spiritual process of the Light of Christ.
The True Light of the body does not have anything to do with a kind of moral compass or acts of kindness and love. Although, Seeing through the One True Eye of Light (moment to moment) leads one to a truly faithful life, and such a person practices love, compassion, kindness, and forgiveness with All because it is natural; it is natural to live this Way when one Sees from the Light of the body. The Light of the body is literally what we All look like in the Presence of God, and/or in the Image of God. There is Only One Light of the body, and any other kind of light is something that shines from a direction within space/time; therefore, one must first understand we are not talking about a light in space/time, something that casts shadows. Furthermore, the Light of the body is Eternal and it is pure consciousness, which is transcendent of space/time (all forms of space/time) and All possible bodily forms and worlds.
Consider the idea of Eternal life, and within this idea one must also include consciousness. What is life (especially Eternal Life) without consciousness? Life, real eternal Life, is pure bodiless consciousness that Perfectly appears As the Brightness of Light, and this is the understanding of the Embodiment of God ItSelf, which IS the Image we are All made Of.
New International Version (1984) Matthew 5:48 - Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
What is Pure Consciousness? It is Transcendental, Undifferentiated and Everlasting Light; it IS Eternal God.
Aramaic Bible in Plain English (2010) 1 John 1:5 - And this is The Good News that we have heard from him and we evangelize to you: God is Light, and there is no darkness at all in him.
The Eye of Seeing is Pure Consciousness, and the heart of the Eye is Brightness beyond all bodily forms, worlds, universes, heavens or hells. The Brightness Shines Brighter than All (Right Now) and that Light is so Bright that nothing else appears. Within the Brightness of the body are eternal peace, eternal love-bliss, eternal fire, eternal satisfaction, and eternal Being/Self. The word Eye refers to Seeing, sort of like the way the eyes see, but with a Transcendental Realization of Seeing. The Eye also refers to the third ‘eye’ of the Spiritual Cross, and through the process of whole bodily transfiguration the Eye of Light Awakens in the individual.
If a person asks the question ‘who am I?’ while still living a sinner’s life that person will have all sorts of answers, and regardless of the answer, whatever a person identifies with or as it will be made of darkness. In other words, the identifying qualities a person attaches to as self are qualities that appear within time and space, these qualities are inherently limited and all forms of personal self are temporary and not permanent. These qualities of personal self cannot become eternal, there is nothing an individual can do to make personal self eternal, and personal self is truly not a real thing nor has God created it. Personal self is totally self created, personal self is absolutely made from the personal experiences of the body/mind, and personal self has nothing to do with the Eternal Image God created all of us in.
King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) 1 Corinthians 15:50 - Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
Personal self, the sinner self, is the life of a false will, it is a life of a false sense of being (existing), and the sinner self is a life formed and lived in the darkness of time and space. This is traditionally the self most people are trying to save at Church. The personal self is the self that is destined to live a life bound by darkness, uncertainty, and doubt. The self created feeling of ‘me’ is absent of the feeling of Eternity, and the self created (not God created) ‘me’ does not notice the Eternal Light of the body, which Is the True Light of Seeing. The personal feeling of ‘me’/self can dream and imagine all sorts of heavens and hells, and the sinner (ego) self is in the business of forming religion to feed its insatiable desire to last/live forever and using hell to condemn others.
Personal self exists Only in the presence of darkness. Sinner self cannot be changed into something Eternal. The self created idea of ‘me’ is not destined to be resurrected or to ascend from death and into eternal heaven. The life of sin is a life lived in darkness, and the life of sin is the life of a personal self. To understand sin one must understand the root of sin, and the root of sin is the false sense of self that the individual identifies with and/or as. Sinner self was never created by God, and there Really is no unique self that God created. The sinner self is created consciously moment to moment by the individual, and from this false sense of self each sin is committed.
Your True Self, which is each person’s source of Seeing and the Way of living Free of sin, is Perfect bodiless Light. We must have perfect faith in God’s divine will, and if we turn to the Light and surrender our personal self into that Brightness God’s will is Realized to be the individual’s will. Meditate on Jesus Christ and turn to him in prayer asking him to show you the Light of the body. Sit in silence, alone or with others, and meditate and breath in Christ's Light; inhale Light through the nose and into the lungs (then imagine the Light spreading throughout the whole body), then exhale personal self and darkness through the nose. Keep the mind on devotional thoughts of Jesus Christ, and when the mind begins to settle down into Christ's Eternal Peace, which is beyond thought in the Light of God, there one can Discover the True Light of Seeing.
New International Version (1984) Romans 12:1 - Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship.
Meditate on what it is like to Be One with Jesus Christ, learn to listen in the stillness of consciousness for the Silent communication of the Heart of Eternal Light, and turn to Jesus Christ by giving up all sense of personal self. Surrendering the self feeling of ‘me’ and open up to the Eternal Light of Life, which comes with the tangible bodily conscious feeling of the Presence of Heart~Fire Communion. Heart~Fire Communion with Christ is one of the first Signs that the Light of the body Awakening, and Heart~Fire Communion is Evidence of True Seeing and Seeing with a Single Eye.
New American Standard Bible (1995) Luke 24:32 - They said to one another, "Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?"
New International Version (1984) Matthew 16: 24-28 – 24:Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 25: For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. 26: What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? 27: For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done. 28: I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”
It is a True process of many deaths (deaths of the sense of personal self), and as each (major) form of personal self is dissolved in the Light of Christ there is a death of personal self. Ultimately, Christ Enbrightenment marks three key deaths (or major tipping points) regarding personal self, and each death is marked by the Awakening of one of the hearts of the Spiritual Cross. As the Divine Process of self dissolution progresses the Divine Light of the body (of Christ and God) begins the True Transfiguration and Transformation process of the individual. Upon the third death of personal self the right heart awakens and the Resurrection Current ascends into the Crown and Eye of the Spiritual Cross (spiritual body).
International Standard Version (2008) Ephesians 4:24 - and to clothe yourselves with the new nature, which was created according to God's image in righteousness and true holiness.
English Standard Version (2001) 1 Timothy 4:7 - Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness;
Only after Resurrection is the whole Spiritual Cross simultaneously awake and freely flowing and responding to God’s will (perfectly). Until the time of the Resurrection Faith is the Only way to live without sin. Thus, during the process of the total purging of the personal self (sinner self) a person is still vulnerable to the life style of sin because the process of the total purging of personal self (the sinner self) is not complete until the Resurrection and the Transfiguration of the body after the Resurrection. Yet, with Faith in God and Jesus Christ, and devotion to God and Jesus Christ, and love, compassion, forgiveness, and all forms of an Christ Enbrightened life, sin will remain non-existent and only a shadow of a life once lived. The body has been possessed by the sinner self since childhood, but we are Truly Called to be God Possessed, and one that is God Possessed there is no room for two senses of self (or personal me).
New International Version (2011) Galatians 2:20 - I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
The Eternal Light of God is the Form of our Eternal body, and that Eternal Life is our Source of Seeing Always and Perpetually in Every moment of existence. Eternal Self is Perpetually existing before, during, and after all bodily forms, and we are Called to Transcend All bodily forms and to take Eternal Rest As our Eternally Conscious and Eternal Bodily Form of Brightness in God. Therefore,
The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light;
Blessings and Eternal Resurrection in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.